No Bridge In The Greenbelt

no green belt bridge, interprovincial crossing, sixth crossing, orleans bridge, convent glen, ottawa, orleans, corridor 7, green belt, greenbelt, 

Breaking News

Through one of our many requests under the Access to Information Act, we have just come into possession of a trove of exceedingly interesting material: the version of the Sixth Interprovincial Bridge Crossing Study Refresh prepared for Public Services and Procurement Canada. It is nearly triple the length of the version of the Study we had earlier, prepared for the NCC.  We will post this information on the website as soon as we have fully examined it. (30 May 2024).

Latest News

Ottawa Riverkeeper released 2024 Watershed Report Card (22 May 2024)

Federal Budget

The federal government’s 2024 budget was released on 16 April and has been studied by our committee, along with the Public Services and Procurement Canada 2024 to 2025 Departmental Plan. The latter document states that “PSPC will continue to support ongoing efforts to maintain existing crossings and advance the assessment and planning associated with an additional crossing in the NCR.” Interestingly, while the work to be done on existing crossings is described in detail, no mention is made of going beyond “assessment and planning” to the actual building of the “additional crossing,” suggesting that the Greenbelt bridge project is on hold. While this is encouraging, it does not mean we can become complacent. We will maintain our watching brief and keep you informed. You are welcome to communicate with the Bridge Committee at, and to add your name to our database, so that we can better keep you in the loop.


This website contains all the information you need to be aware of the project and the impact it could have on you and your neighbourhood but the bridge project is constantly evolving, sometimes quite rapidly. We will keep you up-to-date on new developments under the ‘Latest News’ Section above. 

The Big Picture

No Bridge in the Greenbelt

 from Sixth Interprovincial Bridge Crossing Study Refresh - Summary Report

Green's Creek sector of Greenbelt (National Capital Commission)